What is CGPA?
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is a measure of a student’s overall academic performance across multiple semesters. It represents the average of all semester GPAs (Grade Point Averages) and helps students track their academic progress over time.
How is CGPA Calculated?
CGPA is calculated by summing up the GPAs of all completed semesters and dividing the total by the number of semesters. The formula is:
CGPA = (GPA1 + GPA2 + … + GPAn) / n
• GPA1, GPA2, , GPAn are the GPAs of each semester
• n is the total number of semesters completed
For example, if a student has the following GPAs:
• Semester 1: 3.41
• Semester 2: 3.71
• Semester 3: 3.92
Then, the CGPA will be:
CGPA = (3.41 + 3.71 + 3.92) / 3 = 3.68
Using the INU CGPA Calculator
To simplify the CGPA calculation process, I have developed an easy-to-use INU CGPA Calculator. It allows students to:
1. Select the number of semesters completed.
2. Enter their semester GPAs.
3. Click “Calculate CGPA” to get the final result instantly.
4. Reset the values to calculate again if needed.
Why Use This Calculator?
• Saves Time: No need for manual calculations.
• User-Friendly: Simple interface with dropdown selection.
• Accurate Results: Ensures precise CGPA calculation.
Final Thoughts
Understanding CGPA is crucial for tracking academic progress. Whether applying for internships, scholarships, or higher studies, a good CGPA reflects consistent performance. Try out the INU CGPA Calculator here and calculate your CGPA effortlessly!